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Showing posts from April, 2020

The Inside Skinny

Earlier today, I posted that question on Facebook. I got a variety of answers. It was interesting to me to see who chose to answer it. I was pleasantly surprised at the depth to which some answered this question. As each notification came up, I tried to guess the answer that person might have before I read their response. I was trying to see if my perceived thoughts about whether they loved themselves gave me any insight into how they felt on this subject. For those that answered in the affirmative, I asked an additional question, "What's the first action step a person should take toward loving themselves?" This is where my post started to veer off course. Don't get me wrong. I got some really nice responses such as, "Convince yourself that you are worth it." and " Soul Search...Do stuff that makes you happy!" Generally, this is good advice. However, doing "stuff that makes you happy" is hard for someone that has no real hobbies...

Missed Connections

Throughout my life, people have come and gone. Some people have stayed for just a few hours and others for years. I think this is common for all people. I've heard people tell stories about a stranger they met that said just the right thing at the right time and it changed them forever. How long someone is in our life doesn't dictate how big of an impact they will have on us. It certainly doesn't determine how we will feel about them. I have been accused on more than one occasion of caring too much for people too quickly. I put that in the box I label, "Thanks for stating the obvious." This particular trait has been a curse and a blessing in my life. It helps me to "walk in someone else's shoes" and to understand them on a deeper level. It also means that I care deeply about people as soon as a connection is made. Over the last year and a half, I moved out of my ex-husbands house, moved into a friend's basement, moved into my own tiny apart...